Sunday, February 4, 2007

Day One: Macbeth Background

Last class, I made four main points about Macbeth as an introduction. The homework for next class is to bring post-its and read the first short scene of the play.

1) Macbeth is Shakespeare's shortest play, and is a very popular trajedy.
Universal appeal--contemporary morality play--it warns us of the dangers of becoming involved with evil.

2) Language: Nobles speak in blank verse (imabic pentameter)
Peasants and servants speak in prose.

3) James I had a big influence on Macbeth as the play was written for him. Shakespeare mentions things in the play to please James I and doesn't mention the things that might have angered him. 5 of the virtuous characters in the play are related to James I.

4) Witchcraft: the audience would have believed in heaven and hell, in evil spirits, and in witchcraft. They would have likely seen witches hanged or burned at the stake at that time.

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